🤖 Apple is building AI into EVERY product

PLUS: How to create AI QR code art

Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

Our guess is the AI frenzy is just getting started after today’s announcements.

We’re also debuting our first-ever AI Training, where we’ll be sharing daily tutorials on how to actually apply AI to your life. Let us know what you think!

In today’s rundown:

  • 🍎 Apple and Amazon go ‘all-in’ on AI

  • 🎧 Study shows deepfake audio is getting scary realistic

  • 🛠️ 7 New AI tools

  • 🪄 How to create AI-generated QR code art

  • 🤖 3 Quick AI updates

Read time: 3 minutes



Image source: Getty Images

The Rundown: Tim Cook just said that Apple is “building AI into every product it’s building”, while Amazon CEO Andy Jassy said, “Every single team at Amazon is now working on AI”. Big tech is going all-in on AI.

Key points:

  • Apple has been researching generative AI for years and is increasing its investment in these technologies, Cook emphasized.

  • Every business within Amazon has multiple generative AI initiatives revealed Jassy.

  • Both companies are increasing their R&D spending on AI, indicating a strong commitment to future advancements in the field.

Our thoughts: With nearly every single major tech company prioritizing AI, we’re in for a wild next couple of years. We’re truly just at the tip of the iceberg.


The Rundown: Circleback is the hottest AI notetaker on the market. It focuses on giving you the most useful and accurate meeting notes.

In addition to accurate meeting notes, Circleback:

  • Automates action items to increase accountability

  • Gives you answers to questions using the context of your meetings, i.e. “Which client mentioned they’re going to a conference in Chicago?”


The Rundown: A study by University College London found that humans can only detect deepfake speech 73% of the time.


  • Researchers used 50 deepfake speech samples in multiple languages and tested them on 529 participants.

  • Familiarization treatments and repeated exposure did not significantly improve recognition accuracy for deepfake speech.

  • Combining multiple human judgments, known as “crowd performance,” was most effective in spotting the deepfake speech.

From the study: "Our results suggest the need for automated detectors to mitigate a human listener's weaknesses."

Scammers are on the rise, folks. And with AI deepfake audio improving over time, they’re only going to get more realistic.


🧠 Guidde- An AI platform for business, enabling teams to create video documentation 11x faster (link)*

🔥 YouLearn- Learn any YouTube video with AI (link)

💻 Dora- Design 3D animated sites with no-code (link)

👾 Dante- Custom GPT chatbots trained on your data (link)

🎙️ Voiceling- Dub YouTube videos in seconds (link)

🧱 Code Blocks- Build native applications with AI (link)

🔮 Supertools- Organizes 100’s of AI tools for you in one spot (link)


AI-generated QR codes have been gaining all the hype recently, and we’re here to show you how to create your very own… completely free.

Step 1: Generate and download your (regular) QR code here

Step 2: Access Stable Diffusion by going to RunDiffusion and signing up to get 7 minutes of free credits

Step 3: Choose the settings displayed in the video here followed by the settings here

Step 4: Enter your prompt, and generate your QR code

That’s it! Try generating multiple versions by clicking generate again.

Try scanning this image, and see where it takes you!


IBM has introduced a new page to teach AI skills, offering free resources on generative AI and tips on using their platform, WatsonX. They also provide courses and content on popular open-source tools like Hugging Face, PyTorch, and KubeFlow.

Alibaba is opening its LLM, Tongyi Qianwen, to third-party developers, allowing them to create their own AI applications without training their own systems. This move puts Alibaba in competition with Meta and may challenge OpenAI's ChatGPT.

CISOs and organizations are divided on the use of generative AI like ChatGPT due to the risk of data leaks, leading to discussions on AI governance and risk management. To address this, Nightfall AI has introduced a data security platform for generative AI that aims to protect sensitive data.


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* This is sponsored content


If you have anything interesting to share, please reach out to us by sending us a DM on Twitter: @rowancheung & @therundownai ⭐️

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