🤖 OpenAI's mysterious 'Arrakis' setback

PLUS: NYC mayor leverages AI...

Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

OpenAI is reportedly abandoning its secretive ‘Arrakis’ model after efficiency targets weren't met.

With rivals continuing to advance, can the leader of the AI pack afford more setbacks? Let's dig in…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • 🗑️ OpenAI scraps Arrakis AI model after setbacks

  • ☎️ NYC mayor uses AI for foreign language robocalls

  • 🛠️ 8 New AI tools

  • 📜 How to unlock conversations with your PDFs

  • 🤖 3 Quick AI updates

Read time: 3 minutes



Image source: Midjourney

The Rundown: OpenAI has reportedly stopped the development of a new AI model called Arrakis after it failed to achieve expected efficiency gains, according to The Information.

The details:

  • Arrakis was in progress when ChatGPT gained popularity, with the goal of making it more affordable to run.

  • The model did not reach targets for sparsity and efficiency, leading OpenAI to halt work on it by mid-2023.

  • OpenAI continues launching ChatGPT upgrades, but competition is escalating — with rival models like Google's Gemini on the horizon.

The relevance: The Arrakis news sheds more light on the secretive inner workings of OpenAI — also providing additional context into the company’s future plans in the ever-shifting landscape.


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Image source: Getty Images

The Rundown: NYC Mayor Eric Adams reportedly deployed AI tools to make robocalls to residents in languages that he doesn't actually speak — leaving constituents confused and questioning the ethics of the tech.

The details:

  • The AI-generated calls aim to reach non-English speakers about city services and events, with Adams’ voice cloned into languages like Spanish and Mandarin.

  • The use of AI was not disclosed, concerning ethics watchdogs who call it "deeply unethical" for Adams to misrepresent language abilities.

  • The mayor defends the move as ‘necessary’ for serving diverse residents.

Our thoughts: On the surface, this seems like an exciting and innovative way to break down language barriers that may play a real role in understanding city issues — but a simple disclosure would’ve gone a looongggg way to avoid confusion.


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Anthropic let 1,000 people suggest rules for its chatbot Claude — then trained a mini version on the "public constitution." The crowdsourced Claude performed similarly to the company's original during experiments, suggesting collective governance could work.

Meta's new AI system can generate images from brain scans in milliseconds, decoding how people perceive visuals. The tech confirms AI is learning human-like representations, inching closer to systems that think like us.

Fugees' rapper Pras Michél is claiming his lawyer botched his criminal case by using AI to write closing arguments — alleging the experimental tech made "frivolous" points while ignoring key weaknesses. With no regulations yet, AI's hitting courtrooms - but is justice being served?

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